What Is Influence?
"The capacity to have an effect on the character, development or the behaviour of someone or something"
What Is Behaviour?
"The way in which someone behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus"
What Is Deception?
"To Deliberately cause someone to believe something is not true, especially for personal or commercial gain."
How We Are Influenced
We are influences by a variety of different factors within society, these are broken up in to specific areas so that when used for marketing they can be combined to effectively promote. These areas also commonly combine together with two or more other words.
- Political
- Cultural
- Psychological
- Social
- Informational
- Personal
Example Of How The Influence Categories Intertwine Together
Public Relations Is A More Friendly Term Of Propaganda
Influence = Manipulation = Public Relations
We then discussed that we are all influenced by something in todays society, wether it be music, celebrates, movies or political events. I found this very interesting as it gives a unnerving sense of tension, that we all are subjected to public relations every single day of our lives and more often then not, we are overcome to these effects. The lecture then went on to discuss a man called Edward Bernays who is renown as the master of public relations, and is the nephew of Sigmund Freud a legendary pioneer in Pssyhcoanalasis.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organised habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those
who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society
constitute an invisible government which is the
true ruling power of our country......”
“..... We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organised. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live
together as a smoothly functioning society.” - Edward Bernays, Quote From Slideshow
Here are is my favourite design agency that were shown during the lecture; the campaign was formed in this particular way to bypass marketing issues created when another company had bought the rights to promote the 2012 olympic games, and conciquently were unable to promote by directly using anything to do with the olympic games or icons.
I think this campaign was very well done and that it had a unique charm to it, whilst transferring the usual message that the olympic games were only allowed for trained athletes, stating that everyone has the potential for greatness and ability. It brought the olympic games down to a more commonly level and gave a huge sense of reliability, which I though was a much more powerful message than any generic sporting commercial. In addition to this I thought that the subliminal messaging of the word London, some of the international towns that the clips were filmed in, really captured for me how a good idea can create such a powerful emotive message.
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYP9AGtLvRg
“..... We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organised. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live
together as a smoothly functioning society.” - Edward Bernays, Quote From Slideshow
Wieden + Kennedy. Nike "Find Your Greatness" Campaign
I think this campaign was very well done and that it had a unique charm to it, whilst transferring the usual message that the olympic games were only allowed for trained athletes, stating that everyone has the potential for greatness and ability. It brought the olympic games down to a more commonly level and gave a huge sense of reliability, which I though was a much more powerful message than any generic sporting commercial. In addition to this I thought that the subliminal messaging of the word London, some of the international towns that the clips were filmed in, really captured for me how a good idea can create such a powerful emotive message.
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYP9AGtLvRg