Something stressed heavily during the seminar was plagiarism.
Plagiarism: Defining someone else's work as your own.
Accidental Plagiarism: Incorrectly Referenced.
When to reference
Paraphrasing: Putting eternal text in your own words.
Images: Images found from books or the internet.
Statistics: Factual information based from a reference source.
Quotations: Direct information from a source.
In text citations - Shortened versions of references to link to full reference
Example Of An In Text Citation - (Oxford Dictionary, 2016)
Full reference - Contains all references information
Example Of A Full Reference - Oxford (2016).
In Oxford DictionaryOxford University Press. Retrieved from
Types of references
Overall I found this seminar session to be quite useful in clarifying many confusing aspects of the reference process. It also gave a much broader understanding of essay terminology, allowing me to understand how and when to references, whilst clarifying the word Paraphrasing as I struggled to understand the difference between this and plagiarism.