Monday, 2 May 2016

APA 6 Referencing Seminar

This seminar was focused on providing myself and the group with information on how to reference correctly for my upcoming 2500 words essay summative. I have never referenced before so this was something very new to myself. The seminar informed me of when and how to reference throughout my essay, giving me the understanding of academic terminology.

Something stressed heavily during the seminar was plagiarism.

Plagiarism: Defining someone else's work as your own.

Accidental Plagiarism: Incorrectly Referenced.

When to reference

Paraphrasing: Putting eternal text in your own words.
Images: Images found from books or the internet.
Statistics: Factual information based from a reference source.
Quotations: Direct information from a source.

In text citations - Shortened versions of references to link to full reference

Example Of An In Text Citation - (Oxford Dictionary, 2016)

Full reference - Contains all references information

Example Of A Full Reference - Oxford (2016). In Oxford DictionaryOxford University Press. Retrieved from

During the seminar it was also explained that their was a reference list and a bibliography, previously I thought that they were both the same. However it turned out that a reference list is where you contain all of your references citated in your work and a bibliography is the lists of reading sources which have been looked at but didn't directly reference in the essay. In addition to this we were shown some assets which could make the referencing process easier, such as Mendely and Ref Me.

Types of references


Overall I found this seminar session to be quite useful in clarifying many confusing aspects of the reference process. It also gave a much broader understanding of essay terminology, allowing me to understand how and when to references, whilst clarifying the word Paraphrasing as I struggled to understand the difference between this and plagiarism.