Much like the lecture, this seminar also focused on looking at the possibile ways in which to proceed with the project. We looked at some of James Dyers old projects that he did while studying at university. James mentioned that he loved to tinker with technology and perceived to hack their primary function to make the hardware to do something it wasn't intended to. An example of this was, to rework Microsoft's Kinect to show his movements from the Kinect's software perspective. This then created patterns when depending on James movements, which was a really unique way of utilizing technology.
Another cool idea the I though James did was the way which he rewired his camera to take pictures when a current was passed through a circuit. I have seen technology adaptations like this done before for instance, on You Tube there is this video called Halo Theme On Eight Floppy Drives where this person has reconfigured these floppy drives to produce particular electrical noises in the tune, similar to that of the original song. I really think the idea of manipulating technology is a really cool concept, but I have never really had any experience in doing so, so I don't know really where I would begin to start.
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I really like the examples of work James showed us this seminar, I understood the message he was trying to get across this lecture, wanting us to really push us out of our comfort zone, wanting us to take risks to achieve really defined experiments for our visualization of sound project.