Group Typography Experimentation
Here are some quick photographs I took of our groups collection of typography experiments, we we're assigned a group of letter and was handed 6 post it notes to experiment on. From that point it was completely up to myself to generate a style of typeface in which would be displayed as a group.
During this lecture I discovered the difference between a Typeface and a Font, A font is a type of text you would generally write with and a typeface is to be visually displayed in artwork. I found this to be helpful in adding to correct terminology when writing.
Post It Note Capture #1
Post It Note Capture #2
Post It Note Capture #3
Post It Note Capture # 4
My Post It Notes Typography Experimentation
I decided to base my style of typeface round imperfect lines and curves, this would therefore give the type aa sense of character in my opinion. I made both a bold and fine version of the fonts and focused on the composition of the fonts, trying to understand how the would work when constructed together. I really liked this experimentation as it allowed myself to explore type in a more physical perspective, rather than exploring text on the digital screen.
Post It Note Time-Lapes
Here is a quick time-lapse of the process in which the group arranged there post it notes.